We acknowledged the therapeutic benefits of the human-animal bond.
Service Description
At RJimenez Counseling, we follow a comprehensive assessment model that includes four key components: 1. We recognize and apply the laws that regulate ESAs and PSDs. 2. We conduct thorough disability and mental health assessments 3. We discuss the animal and the client's responsibilities. We also review the therapeutic benefits of having the animal. 4. We'll review the client's health history and other relevant medical records, including the medication list. We assess the client-animal interaction and the specific disability-related function the animal serves. The above model aligns with the standards of psychological assessment and legal requirements. The assessment process usually takes approximately 3-4 sessions and may take longer if treatment records are unavailable or further assessment is needed. Therapy Dog (TD) A therapy dog is a trained dog that supports individuals or groups of people. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Emotional support animals also comfort their owners and others but are not trained for specific functions. They do not have public access rights either. The ESA aims to alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of an individual’s disability. The client with the disability should have an established relationship with a mental health provider before being prescribed an ESA. The client should receive treatment (therapy, medication, or both) in addition to the ESA. Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) To qualify as a service dog under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the owner must have a disability that requires the help of a service dog. The dog must be trained to serve the person with the disability and mitigate their loss of function. The dog must also be considered essential by the owner. Psychiatric service dogs help owners with mental illness or conditions, but the owner must be considered disabled. The dog must be trained to alleviate at least one of the sources of loss of functioning for the owner, such as OCD habits or social fears and anxieties. Pet Therapy & Psychoeducational Services At Rjimenez Counseling, we offer Pet Therapy (PT) and Pet Therapy Education (PTE). Our program evaluates and treats patients using animals as a vital part of the treatment process. Pet therapy aims to enhance human physical, social, emotional, and cognitive functions. The PT and PTE may be provided in different settings, individually or in groups, in-person, or via telehealth.

Cancellation Policy If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session.
Please provide our office with a 24-hour written notice to info@drjimenezcounseling.com if you need to reschedule your appointment.
Contact Details
3081 Salzedo Street suite 202x, Coral Gables, FL, USA